Sharing insights, experiences and perspectives on DDO Compliance, Practices to Support Disclosure Accuracy and Climate-Related Disclosure

Watch the on-demand webinar, where we delve into critical topics, including practices to support disclosure accuracy, TMD updates, and the latest developments in ESG/Climate Risk Disclosure. Our panel of experts provide insights, best practices, and essential information to help you stay ahead in these evolving areas.

Here's what you can expect from the on-demand webinar:

  • Practices to support Disclosure Accuracy: explore best practices around insurance premium rates, product and investment options’ fees and costs.
  • TMD Update: gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of recent DDO changes impacting TMDs and why this could be the last update for a while. Stay updated on regulatory shifts and their impact on your organisation.
  • Latest movements towards ESG/Climate Risk Disclosure: join the conversation on the significance of current reporting guidelines, including the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the forthcoming International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) accounting standards. Our panel will discuss how these standards can aid both investors and companies in analysing and disclosing climate-related risks.
  • Audit-proof Disclosure Practices: discover strategies and practices to ensure your organisation is prepared for and passes internal and external audits through effective safeguards such as verification.


Joanne Powell

CEO, Transform Consulting                             

Sarah Penn

CEO, Mayflower Consulting                      

Andy Moy

Vice President, Objective Keystone

Natasha Gray

Disclosure Solutions Consultant, Objective Keystone