
Deliver compliant, customer focussed documents

Manage your brand, data and content compliance in a single system; with full audit history.

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Software built for smarter document compliance

Whether your accountability includes SMCR, SYSC or Financial Promotions and Adverts, Objective Keystone for Smarter Document Compliance provides you with the system and controls to manage your regulated documents.

A purpose-built cloud solution that has document drafting, approval, management and publishing in one place.

Every action, change, edit and approval is recorded in a system of record that is easily produced as an artefact at any time. Verification certificates are easily generated in a few mouse clicks for accountable executives to sign off on.

Bring marketing and compliance teams together

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Bring marketing and compliance teams together

Draft, manage and audit the compliance of your customer-facing documents.

Centralise document creation and management with collaborative authoring
An unlimited number of users can draft, edit, review and approve different sections of one master document; enhancing collaboration within a document.

Compliance through content and version controls
During this collaborative authoring stage, full content ownership clearly shows individual responsibility for content sections and ensures a single source of truth. Any reviewers' comments are tracked as tasks; no comment can be missed and each can be reported on. All of this is delivered with full version control which can be utilised down to an individual line level.

The Smart Clause Bank controls common content
Commonly used clauses, disclosure statements, tables and images are verified and maintained in the Smart Clause Bank. Changes made are instantly updated in relevant documents, strengthening market integrity and compliance with Financial Promotions and Adverts by ensuring only the correct content is in circulation.

Governance and verification controls support content and data compliance

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Governance and verification controls support content and data compliance

Process insight and control is achieved through auditable, role-based permission settings.

Review Notes allow you to 'tag and track' policy over time
Review Notes are attached to content sections, and can be used to mark content as being subject to a specific regulation. Easily publish Review Notes as supporting evidence in due diligence packs without distracting from the flow or output of a document.

Meet compliance regulation by providing full disclosure on every document, every time
Objective Keystone captures every edit, review and approval made by every individual in an audit record. Decisions can be traced back to users at macro and micro levels within a document.

Verification certificates clearly show evidence of systems and controls for document creation
Easily produce due diligence packs for accountable executives to sign off on content and meet relevant obligations such as SMCR and SYSC. Verification certificates link to relevant document sections. Authorised individuals digitally sign declaration statements confirming content. Supporting commentary (such as Review Notes) can be included.

Beautiful, on-brand and compliant customer focused communications

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Beautiful, on-brand and compliant customer focused communications

Easily publish web and print formats across multiple brands at the touch of a button.

Empower your experts to focus on quality content, not formatting
Separate content creation, review and approval from document style and structure. Templates are designed and managed independent of document content. Contributors can concentrate on drafting and editing instead of fonts, footers and numbering.

One-click publishing and automated document formatting
Instant publishing from pre-configured templates pull verified source content into the final output; completely removing the need for expensive design studios. The risk of graphic designers or typesetters incorrectly using old versions of content is eliminated. Last minute changes are easily made; easily verified; and instantly updated across all relevant pieces of collateral.

Effortless brand management and customisation
Automatically repurpose core content collateral across multiple product family variants, sub-brands and bespoke client offerings with the only variation in the output being branding, badging, product fees and performance data.

This product includes existing user experience functionalities and behaviours. Evolved user interface will be available in the future.

Faster speed to market

Automation makes your process compliance standard and management easier.

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For Product Management

Control content in a single master shell. Supported by process automation and a common content library of approved content for re-use across multiple documents.

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For Governance, Risk & Compliance

Quickly produce supporting evidence. Ensure compliant processes and outcomes. Track every action and validate regulation and legislation in one place.

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For Marketing

Maintain control of company branding. The simple interface reduces human error. One-click publishing ensures fast outputs. Last minute edits are easily made.

Cut the time it takes to produce regulated content by up to 40%
Fit-for-purpose software specifically for compliance document production and management

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Re-usable content improves productivity and minimises inconsistency and errors.

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Easily produce a Verification Certificate for your Due Diligence Committee or an internal sign-off.

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Whether you have one or one hundred brands, our publishing system is here for your print, download and online content.

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With built-in governance, every single edit, review and approval is recorded.

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Management dashboards show where you’re at in your product rolls and business as usual disclosure changes.

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Easily bring external parties into your document lifecycle so you can track and evidence every stakeholder's input.

Explore All Features

Further Reading

Begin your journey to smarter document compliance today.

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Using Objective Keystone we can now do fee uploads via Excel. Within 5 minutes those fees are cascaded across 20 different documents.

William Gerges

Manager, Disclosure

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Intuitive disclosure management software transforming HUB24

HUB24 is ensuring better financial futures with document process transformation using Objective Keystone.

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Constant Regulatory Change

Is compliance with constant regulatory change an annoying distraction or a transformation opportunity?

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Objective Keystone

Draft, approve, comply and publish regulated documents. All from one platform.

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The need for smarter document compliance

Authoring, approving and publishing regulated content shouldn’t be so complex and carry so much risk.

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Deliver compliant, customer focussed documents

Discover where your processes fit within industry best-practice. Use these insights to build a case for change.

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