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Maximising the use of Microsoft Teams in a governed environment

Enabling users to collaborate with Microsoft Teams whilst automatically capturing corporate records has allowed NatureScot to support user openness and ease, and ensure information management is built into everything they do.

In 2020, adjusting to the impacts of the pandemic, NatureScot rapidly deployed Microsoft Teams to enable improved communication and collaboration for staff.

With this change came a number of concerns over data risks, including the potential for information to be lost, misplaced or not saved by users.

NatureScot deployed Objective GOV365 to ensure continued governance in line with its robust policies. The outcome was automated governance across all Teams data, along with additional user and organisational benefits from time savings to increased transparency.

To hear more about NatureScot's journey with Microsoft Teams and Objective GOV365, you can also watch the video case study

We want users to have the best experience and go about doing their job, while information is harvested in the background. We can use Microsoft Teams and know that everything is being captured.

Fiona Eardley

Corporate Records Manager, NatureScot