
Achieving risk-free external file sharing and proving it.

Your black-and-white guide to what distinguishes a secure collaboration solution and why it matters.

If you’re reading this, the chances are you have a robust information governance framework in place internally. But what about protecting your sensitive information when your team collaborate with stakeholders outside your four walls? After all, without a dedicated solution, over 80% of team members will resort to open, unauthorised or consumer-grade workarounds to get things done1.

  • See. How to retain complete control of the information you share outside your organisation with unlimited users from $250 per month
  • Learn. How only a layered approach with certified hosting, embedded Anti-Virus, 2-step verification and native encryption, local standards like IRAP assessment and global standards like ISO27001can protect your data.
  • Hear. Concrete steps you can take to protect privileged, sensitive, protected and regulated data with an industry best practise Q&A session

This webinar is essential for CIOs, Information Managers, Records Managers, Business Unit leads and others who care deeply about protecting information that leaves their four walls. By the end of the webinar, you will be armed with the knowledge needed to distinguish secure and insecure external file sharing, tracking and collaboration software options.


Chris Britton

Global VP - Objective Connect

Chris will walk you through how agencies can have complete control of their data security - any time, anywhere with Objective Connect.

Anthony Turco

Chief Technology Officer - Objective Connect

Anthony brings over a decade’s experience as a Chief Technology Officer and industry speaker to the question of how to develop secure file sharing solutions for government and regulated industry users.

Sara Gray

Enterprise Solutions Architect - Amazon Web Services

Sara is an Enterprise Solutions Architect who's key focus is to support her customers in secure design and configuration of cloud workloads to ensure that they not only meet business requirements, but also meet control objectives and regulatory/policy requirements.